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Monday, November 21, 2011

Final Projects as a Whole

Here are all the comic I made this term. I have dived them into 3 categories.

The Stand Alones.
These were a handful of strips that just sort of came to me and I rolled with. Kyle assisted in brainstorming out some of these. I am pleased with how they turned out.
"Cutie Nicknames"

"BBQ Sauce on Those Walls"

"The Dueling Roses"

"Prepare the Yamatto Cannon"

"The Beta-Guy"

Trevor's Mayhem (A miniseries of unfortunate events)
As a brief comment on these as a whole. These were slightly cleaned up versions of very a very old series I made in high school. The original was a bit shorted then this and certainly less organized.
"Lock the Door and Get the Rifle"
he actually did something like this when we were 16 with the game "Gun"

"I'm not thinking anything Sexual"
He actually did this too...

"Manga Porn"
He would have done something like this.

"How Often Does He Do This?"

He actually did this too. More then once, quite frequently too. In fact "Look Asians" was what he offered as his "foreign policy" when running for student body president our senior year.

The Creation of T-sev.
These were just some strips I thought would be kinda fun to do. A little different then the stuff I usually do but hopefully still entertaining. Again they draw on the character of Trevor heavily, no doubt becasue I had just finished the previous mini series and was still in the "Trevor Mind set"

So there you have it for this term. I have some sketches of what it to come in the future that I may scan and put up soon. I have some more comics with Artemis and T-sev as well as a few of Kyles continued attempts to summon a succubus and hopefully some with Brent who was strangely absent for most of these.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I Have Created a Monster...

This week I decided to try something a little different. I have a 3 comics that follow each other as a sort of mini series. The purpose was to introduce the new character of HK-Trevor-7, a parody of the HK-47 of the Starwars Knight of the Old Republic franchise. These comics also introduce Artemis, who is Nate's computer. I will admit I had been watching Iron man before I made these and I think some inspiration came from there. These are about 99% done, the other 1% is just things I decided I wanted to change at the last minute, the first of which is to make funny fake wiki articles for the second comic instead of jus taking from the real ones, so for now the screans are blank. And the second was to change Artemis' voice bubbles to be a little more unique. Probably green text in a dark bubble.

"We're Going to Use the Dewcore"

"The Dewcore is the Key to All of This"
This is where I need to eventually make up some funny fake wiki articles to put on the monitors in panels 2 and 4 I just haven't got to it yet.

"Its Alive! Its Alive!"
A typo almost had his one titled "Its Alice! Its Alice!"
The name of "Trevor-7" is meant to sound like "Trevor Evans", and "T-sev" is meant to sort of be like "Trev".

Expect to see more of both Artemis and HK-Trevor-7 aka "T-Sev" in the future to come.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Interactive Art Final Project Proposal

My concept for the final project would be to create a series of interactions between to generated characters. These interactions would illustrate the relation between the old and the new. Both characters would be cartoons drawn, drawing on my experience in the use of Photoshop and cartoon styles. To start with I will only have 2 characters however, with time I may add more that would have the option of spawning. However, only two characters will be spawned at any one time, one character representing the old generations and one the younger.

The characters will either slide or perhaps fade into place and a dialog bubble will appear over each of them. The older figure will say something from a predetermined set of recognizable quotes from classic literature. The second characters bubbles will be fed will quotes pulled from twitter. However this feed will search for posts pertaining in some vague way to the first characters quote based on key words taken from it.

A rough example of this would be character 1 says "Live by the sword die by the sword" and the second figure would be fed a random twitter post about swords.

Having roughly 4 weeks. Item are arranged for most difficult/ important to least. That way should a problem arise it will be earlier then later.

Week 1. Get the twitter feeder up and working and begin compiling some classic literature quotes

Week2. Using place holder characters, set up the character entrance and figure out exactly how the shape voice bubbles.

Week3. Draw final models for characters (however many that may be), explore the potential of different back grounds.

Week 4. Run final tests and work out bugs

Monday, November 7, 2011

Concept for Future

Below are some concept story boards that I will flush out on a later date. The first 3 are a short series which basically introduces the character of HK-Trevor-7. They will probably be visually based.

This is another rough concept I had which makes a joke of the act smoking tobacco pipes and how people in turn react to that. Right now the sketch in rough but I should flush it out when I go in to ink and color it.


At last this situation is resolved. Justice can be served and mercy can visit me so that I might move on and work on other story lines. I am SO ready for a new story arch. When I began making this mini series I was eager because it meant to revival of some very old sketches and some more quantity for my book. But I quickly got tired of the repitive dialog and trying to find ways to avoid drawing the same shot of Trevor running through the door in the 4th panel. At any rate expect to see some concept sketches.

"Lock The Door and Get the Rifle"
Part 1. "This Doesn't Look Like You"

Part 2. "I'm Not Thinking Anything Sexual"

Part 3. "Anime Porn"

Part 4. "How Often Does He Do This?"

Part 5. "Thank You All For Coming"

Ah sweet sweet resolution...