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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Time Line and Project Proposal


My plan for this coming term is to continue the comic production although at a slower production rate then before. I now have enough comics to theoretically put the book together. The timeline and week to week goal of this term will certainly be more varied then before but I shoot to still have at least 1 new strip per week as I attempt to tie up some of the story lines I have begun so far.

The Process will be about the same as it was been. I will begin as before with a rough sketch or at least some loose concept that I have jotted down on paper. After which I will scan the sketches and proceed to ink the outlines, add color, definition and text bubble in Photoshop.
Note the Transformation in the examples provided below.

The book I am thinking would not be a "Comic Book" in the classic sense of a dark story driven narrative, but rather a humorous collection of my work. An anthology of the strips I have done over the past several years. This is common among newspaper strips and even web comics to release something like this every several years.

Timeline wise I would like complete at least 1 comic strip a week depending on the length and number of panels, as well another goal relating to the construction of the actually book.

Week 1- Initial Planning, Project Proposal and Inventory of Accumulated comics thus far

Week 2- 1 New strip (Concepts to be decided), Touch up work on older comics

Week 3 -1 New strip (Concepts to be decided), Perhaps continue touch up work, Begin organizing strips into an Indesign layout

Week 4- 1 New strip (Concepts to be decided), write artist comment on old strips

Week 5- New comic if manageable but it will be midterms. write more comments if necessary, begin to organize bonus material for back of book (Character and style evolution)

Week 6- 1 New strip (Concepts to be decided) Make Cover

Week 7- 1 New strips (Concepts to be decided) Put all together and send off (if the time allows)

Week 8- 2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 9 -2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 10- Present Finished Book

This timeline is meant to be a jumping point but in all honest I am going to uncharted waters with most of the actual "book organizing stuff" and some of it might take more or less time then I expect. I also need to find out exactly how long it will take to get the book sent, printed and back and if necessary adjust my timeline accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Finally made it to your webcomic. I really like your style.

    (Necrocomicon is a super badass title.)
