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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Enviroment Ideas

I have been thinking about making a enviroment that is a port of sorts. I really enjoy mixing things up making things that are sort of timeless. I want to make the town very Victorian London looking, however with more steam. I love steam punk and clockwork. I have some pictures from Fable 2 I am geting some ideas from.

I am kicking around some ideas bout what with be docked at the port. I am thinking either steampunk wooden ship or space ships/ Or some variation of the two put together... I'll get back to you on that.


  1. Have you checked out Warmachine or Iron Kingdoms before?

    I've got the Warmachine Mk. II book, I'll bring it to class again on Monday if you want to take a look through it, though it's not terribly relevant for environmental design it does have some cool stuff in it.

    Also check out Allods Online - it's a (russian) sci-fi/industrial steampunk MMO and does a pretty good job of mixing it with their designs.

  2. cool-scan your sketch in- I think you'll have fun working some color into it
