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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Timorous Beasties

I am not sure why exactly but all four of these have to deal with monsters of some form or another... This was not intentional and I didn't even realize it until now as I am posting them. So I hope that doesn't discourage anyone...

"The Inner Darkness"
This began as a sketch did of my roommate one evening when I couldn't sleep. I don't remember why I decided to draw him a feral cave creature, exactly, but I believe it had something to do with him being a bit broody that day and saying something about needing to "battle his dark side and become productive". At any rate I looked at the sketch a few days later and somehow stretched it out into this.

"I Gave You Life"
This is one I sketched up at the end of last quarter immidiately following the creation of T-Sev 3 part series. I guess HK-Trevor-7, much like the characters he is a rough parody of is just contagious. I decided to give the reader more of a glimpse into the kind of creature he was, and just really get a more solid feeling for his personality.

"Programing is Glitched"
In addition to introducing Trevor-7 at the end of last term I also in the same series introduced Artemis. I can't quite remember how this idea came to me, I think I just wanted to have something introducing and awkward interest between the computer and the robot. I might flush out this awkward relationship in the future if the idea proves to be funny to other people besides me. Oh and don't get me started on Artemis and Hal 9000, that guy was a dick.

"Remember How I wanted a Succubus?"
Do you remember how Kyle wanted to summon a succubus? Well he did, and if you don't remember how that adventure ended I encourage you to check it out again. This comic is meant to be a follow up to that story, not directly following but some times after. Things still aren't working out for Kyle still as you can see. I eventually intend to do at least 1 more of this series in which he actually succeeds at summoning someone. The concepts for that are still kinda in the rough though, so for now your get "Cthflowndulu de Profundis Infernos"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Necrocomicon

My plan for this coming term is to continue the comic production from spring and fall in preparations for the art book I eventually I hope to create for my senior capstone. The goal follows a plan almost identical to last term of, 2 new comics a week 3 if I can manage it.

The Process will be simple. I will begin as before with a rough sketch or at least some loose concept that I have jotted down on paper. After which I will scan the sketches and proceed to ink the outlines, add color, definition and text bubble in Photoshop.
Note the Transformation in the examples provided below.

The eventual goal of producing these comics would be reach a number that would be suitable to form an appropriately sized book. The book I am thinking would not be a "Comic Book" in the classic sense of a dark story driven narrative, but rather a humorous collection of my work. An anthology of the strips I have done over the past several years. This is common among newspaper strips and even web comics to release something like this every several years.

Timeline wise I would like complete at least 2-3 comic strips a week depending on the length and number of panels. Following this timeline it should put me with at least 20 new comics by the end of term if not more. As to what the strips will each be about I will have to determine that as the week draw nearer.

Week 1- Initial Planning & 2 Strips (I gave You Life) (The Inner Darkness)

Week 2- 2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 3 -2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 4- 2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 5- 2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 6- 2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 7- 2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 8- 2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 9 -2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

Week 10- 2 New strips (Concepts to be decided)

If for whatever reason something prevents me from meeting a weekly goal of 2 strips, then I will add them them onto future weeks spaced out evenly.

Possibly in the future I will work on concepts for other elements of the book, such as front and back cover, table of contents and devoted to my personal commentary on individual strips should I choose to include it. This is only a secondary goal however and will probably not be focused upon heavily until the final term of the project.