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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Movie Posters

Below are the two hardcore movie poster I did this week. The first is for a film titled "Art Wars" both the idea and the poster are meant to be a spoof of Star Wars and the Star Wars post.

The first poster got me warmed up to begin work on the second more epic poster. This one was more personal as I decided to make it for a movie cocept based off my best friend from high school Brent. Brent is a rocker, a self proclaimed wizard of groove. I decided to title it "Juke Box Hero" after listening to foreigner. I composed the image of several pictures of Brent as well as Aaron Bailey (another good friend) and images of Scarlett Johansson I found online. Why Scarlett? Well....she's hot. I tried to capture the idea of "Drugs, Sex and Rock 'n Roll", which was my original title idea. I also found some stage images and stuffed them in the background. Then I just spent most of the day tweaking the light and colors to get them perfect. I am rather proid of my work.

This summer Brent Long is the Juke Box Hero......he had one guitar....

Movie Poster Visual Research

Friday, April 23, 2010


Continuing the trend for this week of power babe studies, I decided to refine my search to the World of Warcraft universe. I decided early in the week that I would draw for DMF my rogue who I have been working to level lately, for I believe she is indeed a power babe.

The Following image is not my Rogue... This is just something I found ealier tonight in the WoW Fan Art that I thought was Way hardcore and deserved note. I really like the almost comic book style in it, the shadows on the cloak and the like, and the magic....anyway!

Sylvannis aside..... Scarlyn is my Rogue and I did two images of her. One using primarily changes in value to make definition, for a darker look that says "I am Rogue and I am creepy". And a second in the cartoon style of which I am so very fond, that says "I will so mess you up!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

RTB. Restoration Project!

Basically the final project will be similar to the last project, only to a greater scale, instead of only 5 comics strips the goal to have at least 10. For the last project the idea was to revisit my old sketch books from high school and pull out old cartoons strips which were rich in humor and concept, if not artistic merit. Then I would make changed to dialog and set up as needed, redraw them, ink them and time permitting color them. Below are some examples of 2 strips I did this to.

Brent's Birthday:

Brent Sucks:

My Random Thought Books from High School, bristling with old comics waiting to be remade!

Here is an example of some I remade last fall when I was experimenting with Gimp.

Basic objective is to restore as many of my old comics as possibe, using the new programs I have learned and my revised style.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Inking complete

With the arduous task of getting the comics inked complete, I must now just and some color to them before they are totally completed.

Friday, April 9, 2010

8 Page book taking form!

Here is the basic skeleton of what will be the first small collection of my comic works. * pages in length it will include 5 short stories. Three old favorites from the RTBs 2 and 3 as well are 2 entirely new comics.

Next I need to add some flesh to these bones, by inking and eventually adding color andheaven forbid...dialog! lol. For now I left the text out of all but the two new ones, which I had to add it to so i wouldn't forget it. Ink will hopefully be done this weekend.

Out of those I managed to find time to work on inking these two so far. I still find the tablet slightly awkward, but I guess with time I will get more accustomed to it.

Reference Material

This week has mostly consisted of working on my 8 page collection of short comics, and reading the old Random Thought Book for inspiration. While making the new comics there were several times where i needed a picture of actual object, I didn't want to put an actual photograph in my comic world though, not yet. So I pulled the images into photoshop and drew roughly over them.

I like the end result alot more then I had actually expected to

Photographing the Other

The following are the results of my attempt to find, an photograph "the other". aka thouhgs who I see as very different from myself...

<< "The Other">>

at first glance these chaps might not seen that different then me, however further investigation shows that the ones of the left (Kyle) understands math, Science and the women. My friend on the right (Brent) is skilled with music an ability I have tried to and never succeeded at finding...I am like, tone def with no sense of rhythm...w/e

Character Design

As I may or mya not have mentioned previously I am going through a wide prcess of comic making change, not only in to the evolution form paint to photo shop but also in a revamp of my style. In particular the chacters of myself and Trevor have changed alot. ad even Brent to a point. The last few days i have just been drawing the characters in various position and making various expressions. Just kinda getting a feel for how they look now and getting the drawing process to be natural again.

Here are some sketches of Trevor, Brent and I

as i find time I may revamp the way other characters look as well m but for now I think the major characters are the only ones who really needed it. If I do decided to edit the look of other characters it is likely I will post sketches of them as well in the near future.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Some comics i did this weeks

After my spring break pilgrimage to my homeland up north I return inspired. Inspired not only to make comics detailing my time spent at home but also inspired to put into affect a plan I called "Operation Whole New Nate". The first of these to comics is a mostly true story from my vacation.

The next two are meant to be read in sequence, and are a account of my initial attempts to begin "Operation Whole New Nate" and its evolution into something much greater!

I feel it is important to note that this for the most part (as in 90%) of my comics is also based on a mostly true story. The poster, which is not so visible now, is actually nailed to the wall off our kitchen, and I intend to use an actual photo of t in the final version of this comic. I call the poster effective if not artistic. It really get the message across like an angry yelling lich that seems to scream in your face, "SHUT UP!....This is Real!"