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Friday, April 9, 2010

8 Page book taking form!

Here is the basic skeleton of what will be the first small collection of my comic works. * pages in length it will include 5 short stories. Three old favorites from the RTBs 2 and 3 as well are 2 entirely new comics.

Next I need to add some flesh to these bones, by inking and eventually adding color andheaven forbid...dialog! lol. For now I left the text out of all but the two new ones, which I had to add it to so i wouldn't forget it. Ink will hopefully be done this weekend.

Out of those I managed to find time to work on inking these two so far. I still find the tablet slightly awkward, but I guess with time I will get more accustomed to it.

1 comment:

  1. That line art of ICC looks pretty damn epic so far!

    Keep it comin'! :D
