Above are some of the basic still sprites I later used to created the moves
Including slashes, throws, jumps, runs and taunts.
When reflecting on satisfying interactive experiences the first things that immediately come to memory are Soul Calibur, getting the epic raid loot and drinking ice cold, frothing green Mt. Dew.
Many people might be surprised when I describe raiding our Soul Calibur as satisfying, as to many they would merely be deeply frustrating. However after many tries when you finally manage to down that boss and you continue to smack them before looting an epic upgrade, the victory is better then it would have been if you would have succeeded for the get go. It is this element of rising to the challenge and over coming it which is essential in all gaming content.
Also there is always the thrill of sweet green Mt. Dew. The drink that not only heals and strengths the body, but the soul. This experience is impossible to simulate and can only be experienced first hand.